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What’s New?

Are You Experienced?

If you have ever had the opportunity to stand in front of one of your favourite works of art, face to face, then you know that one of the first thoughts to enter into your mind is “the photos just don’t do it justice.”

Sure, you could chalk it up to the mystique of standing face to face with a work that the artist at one point of time stood in front of  – the blank canvas eventually coming to life and now starting you right in the eyes.

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But there’s more to it than that. Being able to follow the brushstrokes, seeing it in the dimensions the artist intended – it’s the ultimate experience, as the artist intended.

Enter a pandemic, and now those opportunities are gone – hopefully only for the very short-term – so much for the ultimate experience.

We’ve redesigned this site in an attempt to present the artwork in high-definition and to try to extend the in person experience to digital form. We know we won’t succeed in replicating the in person experience, but we are hoping to continue to test, work and enhance your experience of these works wherever we can.

We hope you enjoy experiencing Clem’s art and would love to hear from you on how we can iterate and improve.

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